Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do you like to spend time alone? Doing what?

My sister challenged me to think about what I would enjoy doing alone, if indeed I were to be alone.
I am often alone, right? In the car on the way to work after dropping off woman4 at school. At work? not really. At home? when I am, I feel lost.

So my mini-quest began:
I enjoy taking pictures. Lots of them. of people.
I enjoy facebook. Where I talk to people.
I enjoy reading. There's one.
I enjoy working in my flowers...preferably with my kids around to help.
I enjoy walking. But rarely do I just go walk alone. I usually ask someone to join me & we take our dogs, Colby & Brie. or I meet a friend.
I have become aware that I enjoy driving in the car. Just driving. No where in particular. Alone is fine for this, but Brie LOVES car rides, so it is good to take her too.
I enjoy watching football (GO Pack!)...with family & friends.
I enjoy listening to the Redlegs of Cincinnati...but usually with son1.

I started asking friends about their preferences. I find that I am outnumbered by those who not only enjoy being alone, but seek out being alone. Make time to be alone. And find that spending time with others seems to be a necessity of life, not necessarily a need. Interesting.

Must think about this more. Tomorrow. Now. must sleep. Is this lifestyle of being around people a weakness that must be overcome? or do I need to start building in action & thought that involves fostering independence. Maybe I should re-read Harriet the Spy so I can be prepared!